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The Most Common Blood Tests

Medically Approved by Dr. Edward Salko
shot pretty black woman relaxing at home

Listen. We get it. 

We are acutely aware that trying to determine which test is the test for you can be hard. Overwhelming, in fact.

You’re likely not a doctor, after all, so this often proves well beyond most first-time visitors’ depth when they come to our site for the first time. Or second or third.

But trust us when we say: You can do this. In fact, the entire premise upon which we’ve built our business is that you are entirely capable of putting your health back in your hands. That is, quite literally, our driving tenet.

‘Thanks for the pep talk,’ you say, ‘but I’m still not sure where to start.’

Don’t fret. Remember above, way back when about nine sentences ago, when we said we get it? It’s because we got you. Here, we break down our 10 most popular blood tests to help you (re-)gain control of your health so you can stop wondering and worrying – and start living the healthy life you deserve.

Our 10 Most Popular Blood Tests

1. CBC with differential and platelet count Blood Test

Complete Blood Count (CBC) is used to screen for symptoms such as fatigue or bruising, diagnose disorders such as anemia and infection, and can monitor a variation of diseases that affect blood cells. It is usually ordered as part of a routine health exam and measures the levels of red and white blood cells and platelets.

This test is recommended for a routine checkup, screening, and diagnosing and monitoring a variation of conditions that affect blood cells.

2. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP 14) Blood Test

The Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) is a group of 14 specific tests designed to provide an overview of the functioning status of our vital organs and bodily fluids, evaluating the status of your kidneys, liver, and electrolyte and acid/base balance, as well as of your blood sugar and blood proteins.

This comprehensive test is recommended for a routine checkup and anyone currently taking medications that may affect their liver or kidneys.

3. Pregnancy Blood Test

The Quantitative Pregnancy Test measures the presence of hCG – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – in the blood to confirm if you are pregnant and how far along you may be. The results are expressed in numbers, reflecting the actual level of hCG present, as opposed to a positive or negative result. 

Beyond detecting early pregnancy, the Quantitative hCG test is also recommended for diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy, monitoring a woman post-miscarriage, and diagnosing tumors of testes/ovaries.

4. Hemoglobin A1c Blood Test

The Hemoglobin A1c test is used in diabetics to show how well you’ve controlled your blood sugar during the preceding 3-month period. Red blood cells live about three months before they die off and are replaced by new ones. During their lifespan, they carry glycated hemoglobin with them.

By measuring the amount of Hemoglobin A1c, you will get an average of what your blood sugar has been over that period of time. The higher the hemoglobin A1c, the higher the average blood sugar and the more chance you will experience complications from your disease.

This test can also serve as a warning sign that you may be diabetic if you do not already have the disease and is recommended for diabetics to assess their glucose control.

5. Thyroid Profile with TSH Blood Test

The Thyroid Profile with TSH – thyroid-stimulating hormone – includes four tests to evaluate thyroid function. Thyroid blood tests involve measuring the total level of thyroxine (T4) hormone in your body, the levels of hormones such as triiodothyronine (T3) and T4 in the bloodstream, as well as the level of TSH produced by the pituitary gland. 

This blood test is recommended for those who have a family history of thyroid problems, those who experience symptoms such as sudden weight loss/gain, drop in energy, dry skin, constantly feeling cold or hot and increased heart rate, and for monitoring treatment associated with thyroid disorders.

6. Tuberculosis-QuantiFERON-TB Blood Test

The QuantiFERON-TB Gold Test is a blood test used to detect Tuberculosis (TB), a serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs but can spread to other areas of the body such as the central nervous system, urinary tract and other organs. TB is highly contagious and is spread through the air when an individual coughs or sneezes.

This test is recommended for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis, those who need to provide documentation to their employer, school or military agency for clearance, and those who are more prone to contracting TB, such as individuals who are HIV positive or have low immune systems.

7. Liver Function Test – 7 Panel (LFT) Blood Test

The Liver Function blood test is used to screen for liver damage and is used to help diagnose and monitor liver disease. This liver function test panel measures the levels of specific enzymes and proteins in the blood and how well the liver is performing its normal functions.

If you have been diagnosed with liver disease, this test can be performed at intervals to monitor the status of your liver and to evaluate the effectiveness of any treatment you may be undergoing. 

This test is recommended for those who currently take medication that may damage the liver, alcoholics or heavy drinkers, those who have been exposed to Hepatitis viruses, those who have a family history of liver disease, and those who are overweight.

8. Lipid Panel Blood Test

The Lipid Panel is used to evaluate hyperlipidemia (an abnormally high concentration of fats or lipids in the blood) as an index to heart disease.

This test can measure the amount of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol –  a soft, waxy fat that your body needs to function properly – and triglycerides – a type of fat – in your blood. High levels can lead to heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis, a clogging or hardening of your arteries.

This test is recommended for those who wish to check if they have abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels to determine if they are at risk for heart disease.

9. Blood Type Test

Blood type testing is used in medicine to determine the ABO blood group and Rh type for transfusion candidates. Group and typing of expectant mothers and newborns may indicate potential for ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn. Rho (D) typing is used to determine Rh immune globulin candidacy for prenatal and postpartum individuals. Blood typing is also used in determining special dietary needs.

This test is recommended for anyone who wants to identify their blood type prior to surgery, blood transfusion or for expectant mothers, and for those following the blood type diet plan.

10. Comprehensive STD Blood Test 

This Comprehensive STD panel includes testing for the most common sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis, Herpes, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. 

If you recently had unprotected sex and think you may have been exposed to an STD, this low-cost online STD screening helps you know your status and be at ease. Many people who have STDs show no symptoms at all, so early detection can prevent transmitting the disease to your partner and further development of more serious medical problems if not treated immediately.

This test is recommended for individuals who are sexually active who have unprotected sex with one or more partners.

And, as an added courtesy, Personalabs will automatically provide residents of certain states with STD counseling and a doctor’s prescription to a pharmacy of choice to get STD treatment – free of charge – for those who test positive for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and or HSV Type -2. 

Your Health In Your Hands

shot black woman relaxing at home

Admittedly, even that list can feel a little granular, especially if you don’t quite know what you should be testing, right?

Again – don’t fret! We’ve got you. In fact, our Wellness Checkup Blood Test is perfect when you don’t yet know what you don’t yet know. It’s a comprehensive health assessment designed for both males and females to use as a broad screening tool to evaluate organ function and checks for biomarkers that may detect heart disease and diabetes. 

See? How easy is that?

Bottom line: Our health is our most precious resource – so why spend anymore time worrying and wondering when you can have answers, on your schedule and at your discretion?

Get the lab tests, medications, and answers you want – when you want them – and skip the wait for an appointment. Get tested at one of over 4,000 partner patient service centers nationwide and take control of your health today!

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