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Antiextractable Nuclear Antigens (Anti-RNP) Blood Test


* This is not a home test kit. You will need to visit a local lab for testing.



This test is used to detect antibodies associated with SLE and mixed connective tissue disease. Anti-Sm is highly specific for SLE. Anti-RNP is found with a variety of rheumatoid diseases with high titers associated mainly with Mixed Connective Disorder.

Recommended For:

Diagnosing and monitoring treatment of Mixed connective tissue disorder.

Special Notes:

No special preparation is necessary prior to blood sample collection.

Tests Included:

Antiextractable Nuclear Antigens (Anti-RNP) (19887)
Antiextractable Nuclear Antigens (Anti-RNP) (006338)

Estimated Turn Around For Results:

2-10 Business Days

For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.

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