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Ionized Calcium Blood Test


* This is not a home test kit. You will need to visit a local lab for testing.


Also Known As

Calcium Blood Test

What Is the Purpose of the Ionized Calcium Test

You know you need calcium for good bones, but you also need it for your blood to ensure optimal heart, nerve, and muscle function. That’s when you’ll want to get your calcium levels assessed. Calcium levels that don’t meet the target range can be an indicator of osteoporosis, thyroid or parathyroid disorders, or kidney disease, among others.

Calcium, Ionized, Serum (306)
Calcium, Ionized, Serum (004804)

What Does the Calcium Ionized Blood Test Measure?

This test measures a particular type of calcium in your blood. Bound calcium gets its name because it attaches to proteins, while ionized (or free) calcium does not. This test measures the level of free calcium you have. If you want to know the amount of bound and ionized calcium in your blood, you can order a total calcium test.

Who Should Take a Calcium-Ionized Test?

Your physician may order an ionized calcium lab if there’s a potential kidney, thyroid, parathyroid, or bone disease that needs to be diagnosed.

Ionic Calcium Blood Test Preparation

You typically don’t have to take special precautions for the ionized calcium lab test. You may want to let the lab know in advance if you are on supplements or medication to ensure you can continue taking them before the test.

Ionized Calcium Lab Results

The ideal range for your ionized calcium results should be 4.8 to 5.6 mg/dL. (Some lab tests may list it as 1.20 to 1.40 mmol/L.) If you need to discuss your results with a board-certified physician, book a convenient telehealth visit with a Personalabs doctor.

Where Can I Get an Ionized Calcium Blood Test Near Me?

The ionized calcium test is one of many thyroid function tests offered at Personalabs. We make it easy for you to shop for the health tests you need for the most accurate picture of your health and wellness. If you’re ready to make informed choices about your healthcare, just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Choose your test from our online store, purchase it, and download the accompanying lab order you’ll need to bring to your test appointment. (Note: You may not need your doctor’s approval before purchasing the test; this will depend on the state you live in.)

Step 2: Use our handy lab locator tool to find the lab closest to you from among more than 4,000-plus Quest Diagnostics and Labcorp sites across America.

Step 3: Bring the downloaded test order to the lab and complete your blood work.

Step 4: Find your results in your confidential Personalabs account within 2 to 10 business days. Contact us if you need help getting results back within a specific timeframe, and we will reach out to your lab to meet your deadline.

You don’t have to search long for a specialized health tool like the ionized calcium blood test. With more than 400 health tests to choose from, Personalabs has tests that will help you feel empowered as you take control of your well-being. Shop Personalabs today.