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Ceruloplasmin Blood Test


* This is not a home test kit. You will need to visit a local lab for testing.


Also Known As

CP, Ceruloplasmin Serum

The Purpose of a Ceruloplasmin Test

Your body needs copper for bone strength, energy production, and more. That’s why you need to produce enough ceruloplasmin in the liver, which ensures that you get an adequate distribution of copper throughout your body. The ceruloplasmin test may be used if you have a chronic liver condition that affects production of this protein, such as cirrhosis and chronic active hepatitis. This test is also used along with a serum copper level to aid in the diagnosis of Wilson disease and other clinical conditions that are associated with a copper deficiency or excess, which might raise your risk of liver, kidney, or nervous system damage.

Ceruloplasmin, Serum (326)
Ceruloplasmin, Serum (001560)

What Does the Serum Ceruloplasmin Test Measure?

The ceruloplasmin lab test measures the level of this protein in your body. This test may be taken on its own or in conjunction with other liver or copper tests.

Who Should Take a Ceruloplasmin Lab Test?

You may need testing for ceruloplasmin if you have liver disease or are suffering symptoms associated with Wilson’s disease, including jaundice, nausea, stomach pain, anemia, and difficulty speaking and swallowing, among others.

Serum Ceruloplasmin Blood Test Preparation

There’s no need to take any special precautions before taking the test for ceruloplasmin.

Ceruloplasmin Blood Test Results

Your results should fall between 20 and 35 mg/dL. Low levels could mean you have Wilson’s disease or another liver condition that interferes with your copper absorption. High levels may be caused by increased estrogen levels (e.g., pregnancy or birth control pills), cirrhosis, or leukemia, among other medical conditions.

Where Can I Get a Test for Ceruloplasmin Near Me?

When you visit the Personalabs online store, you gain access to more than 400 health tests that give you fast, accurate information you can use to maintain a vibrant state of wellness or monitor health conditions. The serum ceruloplasmin test is one of many liver tests you can get at Personalabs (and you may not even need a doctor’s approval beforehand, depending on the state where you live). Just follow this simple process:

Step 1: Buy your test and download the lab order. Take this with you to the blood test appointment.

Step 2: Use the lab locator tool on our website to quickly find the location near you out of our 4,000-plus partner Labcorp and Quest Diagnostics facilities across the country.

Step 3: Take your test order to the lab and have your blood drawn.

Step 4: Check your secure and confidential Personalabs portal for results, usually between 2 and 10 business days after your test. If you need your results by a certain date, contact us and we will reach out to the lab for you. Finally, if you want healthcare recommendations based on your test results, just set up a telehealth appointment with one of our experienced physicians.

Need a serum ceruloplasmin blood test? You can find it, and so much more, at Personalabs—your ultimate destination for health tests. Shop our comprehensive selection today.