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Endomysial Antibody, IgA Blood Test


* This is not a home test kit. You will need to visit a local lab for testing.



This test is used in the diagnosis of celiac disease. It can be used to monitor adherence to a gluten-free diet. The test is highly specific for celiac disease-related immunological biomarkers.

Recommended For:

Those experiencing symptoms associated with Celiac Disease such as anemia and abdominal pain; Those aware of family members who have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease.

Special Notes:

No special preparation is needed prior to blood sample collection.

Tests Included:

Endomysial Antibody (IgA) w/ Ref to Titer (15064)
Endomysial Antibody, IgA (164996)

Estimated Turn Around For Results:

2-10 Business Days

For an exact turnaround time for results, please contact us at Personalabs and we will contact the lab on your behalf as turnaround times vary depending on testing location or lab testing provider.