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Potassium Blood Test


* This is not a home test kit. You will need to visit a local lab for testing.


Also Known As

Potassium Serum, Serum Electrolytes, Serum Potassium

The Purpose of a Potassium Test

Almost every part of your body, from the cells to the heart, relies on potassium to function. Potassium is an important electrolyte that also maintains the fluid levels in your body, as well as the pH balance.

Potassium can be measured on its own, or as part of an electrolyte panel or basic metabolic panel. A blood test for potassium is useful in diagnosing or tracking health conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and other disorders.

Potassium, Serum (733)
Potassium, Serum (001180)

What Does the Blood Test for Potassium Measure?

This test is used to measure potassium levels and determine if there is an electrolyte balance or if an underlying disease is present.

Who Should Take a Potassium Lab Test?

A potassium blood test if you have symptoms associated with high or low levels:

Low Potassium Level

  • Arrhythmia
  • Muscle weakness or cramping
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Constipation

High Potassium Level

  • Arrhythmia
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Weak muscles
  • A numb or tingling feeling in the body

Your doctor may also order potassium blood work to monitor your health if you have one of the diseases associated with an abnormal potassium count.

Potassium Blood Work Preparation

No special preparation is required for a potassium lab test.

Potassium Blood Test Results

With a blood test, potassium levels are considered normal if they fall between 3.6 and 5.2 mmol/L (millimoles per liter). It’s important to talk with a doctor if your results come back too high or too low; aside from the disorders already mentioned, your test can be affected by other factors such as certain medications, overuse of laxatives, or recent surgeries. If you need medical consultation, we offer convenient telehealth visits with one of our board-certified physicians.

Where Can I Get a Potassium Test Near Me?

Our tests put control over your health in your hands, so you can make proactive medical decisions. We offer a comprehensive collection of tests, all of which are easy to order:

Step 1: Purchase the lab test online and download the corresponding lab order. (You may not need pre-approval from a physician, depending on the state where you live.)

Step 2: Use our location finder to select the lab closest to you. Our partnerships with Labcorp and Quest Diagnostics give you more than 4,000 locations to choose from nationwide.

Step 3: Go to the lab for your blood work; be sure to bring the test order with you.

Step 4: Find your results in your secure Personalabs account, usually within 2 to 10 business days. (Contact us if you need a specific turnaround time from the lab.)

Browse our collection of lab tests and get the fast, accurate information you need to maintain an optimal state of health.

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