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Colon Cancer Blood Tests

Colon cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the US, according to the American Cancer Society. Yet, it is highly curable and one of the easiest cancers to detect via colon cancer blood test.

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When it comes to cancer, the chances of higher remission depend on early detection. And colon cancer is no exception to this principle. 

Colon or colorectal cancer can occur at any age. It usually starts as irregular benign lumps of cells called polyps. These polyps eventually become cancerous if not treated on time. 

With that, you can benefit from checking out our colon cancer blood work from cancer screening tests. We offer a blood test for colon cancer markers and fecal occult blood immunoassay. You can simply order the test you need and get it done in one of our more than 4000 lab partners around the country. 

The Role Of Lab Tests for Colon Cancer

A colorectal cancer blood test may not detect colon cancer on its own, but it is integral during preliminary screening for polyps, both malignant and benign. Also, a blood test is imperative for monitoring the stage of colon cancer and the patient’s response to treatment. 

Personalab’s colon cancer blood test ensures that you get the necessary health information your doctor can use to diagnose and treat colorectal cancer. 

Types of Blood Work to Detect Colon Cancer

When a lab test for colon cancer is performed, a biomarker called carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is used as a reference for diagnosis. Hence, part of the colon cancer labs is the CEA blood test

On the other hand, polyps can be screened through a fecal occult blood test. And when these polyps are detected, they are typically removed through a minimally invasive procedure. This way, the polyps colon cancer can be prevented. 

Who Should Get Tested For Colon Cancer?

Screening for colon cancer usually begins at age 45. A colon cancer blood work becomes part of the annual physical exam, especially for those who are genetically susceptible to the condition. 

Also, people diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and obesity should secure a colon cancer blood test along with other essential screening procedures. 

When To Do Colon Cancer Blood Tests?

For people aged 50 and above, colon cancer labs should be done annually or every two years. 

On the other hand, people who experience symptoms related to colon cancer such as rectal bleeding, sudden weight loss, irregular bowel activities, and persistent abdominal discomfort opt to undergo screening as soon as they can. 

Get Tested for Colon Cancer Near You

There’s no hero when it comes to colon cancer. Don’t conceal nor ignore it. Order the colon cancer blood test and take charge of your health. See which of our partner labs is within your reach.

Learn More About Colon Cancer Blood Tests

What Does It Mean If Your MCV Blood Test Is High?

High MCV levels can indicate medical conditions such as anemia, hypothyroidism, or liver disease, and they can also be measured as part of a colon cancer blood test. Find out why MCV levels are so important and should be a part of your colon cancer blood work.

Here’s How Weight Loss Can Help You Prevent Colorectal Cancer

Taking a colon cancer blood test is a smart proactive step against the disease, but you can also make lifestyle choices to reduce your risk. Discover the healthy habits you should adopt, the symptoms to watch for, and the colorectal cancer labs to order to help screen for the disease.

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What to Do When You Have Blood in Your Stool

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