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Over 360 blood tests you can order by yourself and get tested locally. Choose from over 4,000 partner locations. Order the same tests your doctor prescribes without the office visit, we provide the lab order.

Not sure where to start? Call our friendly customer service at (888) GET-LABS.

Comprehensive Female Sexual Health and Wellness Blood Test

Purpose of the Test: A Deeper Understanding of Your Health The Comprehensive Female Sexual Health and Wellness Blood Test is…


Allergen Profile – Meat Blood Test

Quantitative Allergen-specific IgE Test that identifies allergic reactions caused by beef, chicken and pork. Recommended For: Those who may…


Protein,Total Quantitative, 24hr., Urine Test

Total protein measurements can tell your doctor about whether you are malnourished and about kidney disease, liver disease, and…


ASO Titre Blood Test

The purpose of the ASO Titre Blood Test The ASO Titre Blood Test is to check the levels of anti-streptococcal…


Trichomoniasis (Female)

This female-only test is used to detect T vaginalis, a parasite that causes trichomoniasis, one of the most common…


Pre-op (Plastic Surgery) Panel Blood Test

Purpose of the Blood Test for Plastic Surgery Cosmetic surgery can be an intensive procedure, and you need to be prepared…


HLA B27 Antigen Blood Test

Also Known As Histocompatibility Leukocyte A Antigen, Human Leukocyte A Antigen, Human Lymphocyte Antigen B27 The Purpose of an HLA B27…


Gindele Male Basic Health Test Blood Test

This profile is designed by Gindele Chiropractic. It provides a great way for an individual to assess their health….


Comprehensive Recent Exposure STD Test

This tests for recent exposure to some of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. As it is possible to…


Actin (Smooth Muscle) Antibody (ASMA) Blood Test

Also Known As: Smooth Muscle Antibody Test, Anti-smooth Muscle Antibody Test, ASMA Test, Antiactin Test Purpose of the ASMA Blood Test…



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